Oxygen concentrators’ initiative: Petro Poroshenko warns goverment against misuse of funds
'European Solidarity' leader Petro Poroshenko thanks lawmakers for support of his iniatitive that addresses oxygen shortages in hospitals, but warns against misuse of the state funding.
Thursday, 4 November 2021, 15:00

Petro Poroshenko voices concerns over possible overpricing of oxygen concentrators for state hospitals after the parliament adopts a law regulating procurement and distribution of such life-saving equipment.

The ‘European Solidarity’ leader said ‘pricing policies should be closely followed. I clearly remember that my charity fund bought oxygen concentrators for 20-25 thousand hryvnas, while the government bought them fro 39 thousands, stealing taxpayers’ money’.

Under the new law, the Ukrainian government must provide for the funding for oxygen concentrators and their installation in hospitals.

The MPs behind the legislative initiative argued that oxygen concentrators can prove  an ideal stop-gap for Ukrainian health facilities given the common wiring issues, emergency repairs at oxygen generating units, or logistics problems dealing with oxygen cylinders.


Tags: law, oxygen concentrators, Petro Poroshenko