70(!) prosecutors in Cherkasy faked disabilities to claim additional benefits,  investigation report
The long-term deception costing the goverment millions of hryvnas lasted for 12 years (!) - from 2008 to 2020.
Thursday, 16 December 2021, 19:35

State Bureau of Investigation informed it is probing Cherkasy prosecutors’ office in connection to massive disability benefit fraud that saw 70 workers of local prosecutors office living off fraudulently claimed benefits.

The local prosecutors assumingly  thought nothing of  faking own medical records about their ‘long term health conditions’  to apply for disability benefits. The scam also involved staff of local health care.

Investigation opened a criminal case on counts of abuse of power and forgery. It is unclear if charges have been pressed. Presently,  Cherkasy prosecutors’ office has 394 workers meaning  one in five (18%) could have used such

Investigation found that  the long-term deception started back in 2008 and  involved 70 workers of local prosecutors office enjoying illegally claimed disability benefits costing the public purse over 14 million hryvnas.



Tags: Cherkasy, disability benefit fraud, fraud, prosecutors