Assault on Petro Poroshenko: former SBU senior reveals new details
Lieutenant General Viktor Kononenko argues security service agencies had prior knowledge of possible incidents and the attackers got 'favorable treatement'.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021, 23:01

Petro Poroshenko was shadowed long before the assault happened, said former top security official revealing new details of the incident that left Petro Poroshenko doused in green dye at  ‘March of Patriots’ in Kyiv.


In his statement on Facebook, Lieutenant General Viktor Kononenko said illegal surveillance targeting ‘European Solidarity’ leader was never probed into despite reports.

‘March of Patriots is the public initiative that started two years ago, when ‘green’ [Zelenski’s]  government refused to hold an Independence day parade, and now it annoys and scares [president administration] at Bankova. And they are scared and irked to see Poroshenko joining the march… As a person who has been related  to security agencies, I can claim .. [Ukraine’s president’s officials at ] Bankova willed this attack,’ claimed Kononenko.


Last-minute changes to the route of the march that blocked Hryshevskogo street also raise suspicion, said the former security chief claiming that it could be ‘leaked’ to those who were behind the attack.

‘From what I know, the incident was organized by law-enforcement agencies and ordered by Ukraine’s president office with Zelensky benefiting the most from it.’


Viktor Kononenko called into doubt decision by state protection agency to remove three officers protecting Poroshenko ahead of Independence Day despite the information about a possible assault.

‘I believe this is how organizers of the attack got favorable treatment,’ added the former former SBU senior.

What prompted even more suspicions was reaction of police that hastily removed the attacker from the crime scene. According to Kononenko, it was clear evidence ‘Zelensky’s office’ was behind the incident.

The US Embassy in Ukraine also responded to the incident Wednesday stressing ‘physical attacks .. have no place in a vibrant democracy’.

Tags: assault, Petro Poroshenko, security service, the SBU