‘Bukvy’ earns a Top-5 spot in new ranking of Ukraine’s online media
According to Kyiv Mass Information Institute (MII) report, Bukvy is ranked among top 5 Ukrainian online media outlets showing  highest standards of quality online journalism in Ukraine.
Thursday, 1 July 2021, 11:31

The new ranking puts ‘Bukvy’ on a par with ‘Dzerkalo tyznya’, Ukrainska Pravda, Ukrinform, and Liga with its 96 per cent score in numbers of news stories meeting the  journalistic standards.


‘Most of news from these media resources have proved not to violate professional standards of journalism, with their performance figures averaging 98 per cent in 2nd quarter of 2021’, says the MII report.


The lowest scores got ‘Politeka’ news cite with only 20 per cent of its materials meeting the criteria of professional journalist norms.

The scoring system ranked Ukrainian online media sites following the criteria of opposing viewpoints’ balance, reliability of information, and separation of facts and opinions.

‘Bukvy’ was also credited along Novoe Vremay, Interfax, Censor, Ukrinform, Susplinle, and RBC Ukraine as most credible sources of news information.




Tags: online media ranking, Top-5 news outlets, Ukraine