Bukvy launches its English-language website and pulls the plug on the Russian-language version
We have got some news for you.
Wednesday, 21 April 2021, 18:12

Announcement #1

Bukvy is closing its Russian-language website.

Living in an independent Ukraine for 30 years, we find it wrong to go on with investments in production of Russian-language content.

All Ukrainians understand Ukrainian no matter what language – Russian or Ukrainian – they speak in their everyday life. This is why the Russian-language Bukvy website will no longer be updated.

The decision comes at a cost.

Our Chief Editor and SEO manager predict that Bukvy will face up to 37% drop in the website traffic, with direct traffic and Google search traffic losing 83% and 80-85% respectively. It is what it is. We will have to pay the price for this decision. We are consciously taking this step and want to redirect the money now saved on production of Ukrainian and English news content.

Why do Bukvy need the English-language version?

Much like you, we are fed up with the news stories misspelling Kyiv as Kiev, with fake news campaigns about Ukraine that come from unknown “Internet sources”.

There are still people on our big planet who hardly know a thing about Ukraine.

They still keep asking if “it is in Russia, right?” They don’t know much about life here. They can site Chernobyl and say “Don’t you have a comedian elected as a president?”

It cannot go on like this anymore)

Bukvy wants the world to learn more about Ukraine. And this is what prompted us to start the English-language Bukvy site.

P.S. Now, you feel free to point out mistakes that are probably slipping in our English texts.

Announcement #2

For two years Bukvy have closely followed the Zelensky administration’s violations of law and we will continue to keep track of it. Now you can follow real-times updates on the issue here:

P.S. Yulia Mendel will not be probably excited about the infographics.

Announcement #3

Bukvy are launching Patreon subscription option that will allow our critical patrons to vote for our content with donations.

People on social media occasionally ask us: “What the f*ck, you bloody leftists are at it again? Why would I care to know it?” Now our generous donators can become our co-creators that will enable them to manage the content.

With your help we will create new quality content – news reports, columns, photo and video stories, social media stuff, and all of that coming in Ukrainian and English.

You can learn more on how to become our Patreon co-creator here:

How about Bukvy social media accounts?

Our SMM specialists will still be coming up with Ukrainian-language content, memes, and infographics while our not-so-important online polls will be there for you craving more likes and comments.

In addition, we are currently updating our Youtube channel that will feature more infotainment stuff that will soon become your guilty pleasure.

(Bukvy, what are you up to, tabloid journalists?)

Our Patreon will also allow you to suggest ideas and stories, plus, you will surely enjoy our “Ask the MP” option.

Follow Bukvy and have fun 🙂

Tags: Bukvy, president, social media, Ukraine