Collaborator exposed in Izium
In the de-occupied town of Izium, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian law enforcement detained a Russian collaborator who provided Russian occupiers with the information on pro-Ukrainian activists. When Izium was occupied by the Russian troops, the man joined the so-called ‘people’s militia’. The traitor helped Russian military to patrol the city. He also reported to the occupiers […]
Wednesday, 5 October 2022, 12:14

In the de-occupied town of Izium, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian law enforcement detained a Russian collaborator who provided Russian occupiers with the information on pro-Ukrainian activists.

When Izium was occupied by the Russian troops, the man joined the so-called ‘people’s militia’.

The traitor helped Russian military to patrol the city. He also reported to the occupiers about patriotic Ukrainians who were then checked and tortured.

After the de-occupation of Izium, the State Bureau of Investigation established the location of the collaborator.

According to the article 111 of the Criminal Code, he faces life imprisonment.

Tags: collaborator, de-occupied territories, Russian invasion, war against Ukraine