‘Decentralization reform’ will need a ‘detailed audit’, says Zelensky
The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenksy adresses 'decentralization' reform in his speech for 'Ukraina 30. Decentralization' forum.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021, 17:54

Addressing the issue of ongoing ‘decentralization’ reform , Volodymyr Zelensky called for a ‘detailed audit’ to assess deliverables of its second stage set to be complete this year.

‘In process of implementation of decentralization [reform] we can see not only accomplishments but shortcomings as well that may have slipped unattended. .. we need to perform a detailed audit before going on to the next stage to redress mistakes and miscalculations’, said Zelensky in his speech for all-Ukrainian Forum ‘Ukraina 30.Decentralization’.

Володимир Зеленський на Всеукраїнському форумі: Децентралізація – одна з найуспішніших реформ, що реалізується в УкраїніВолодимир Зеленський на Всеукраїнському форумі: Децентралізація – одна з найуспішніших реформ, що реалізується в Україні

The president also underlined the challenges local authorities face following the reform that re-shaped territorial administration.

‘[New] authorities and financial opportunities must be followed by responsibility. Newly elected heads of municipalities and local councils should learn to have a bigger picture of things and realize that each commune is part of Ukraine, and it works for Ukraine and for the sake of it, and it is not done to satisfy own private, electoral, political ambitions’, added Zelensky.

Tags: decentralization reform, speech, Volodymyr Zelensky