EBRD and EU support Ukrainian environmentally friendly company
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has provided support to the Ukrainian company Go To-U, which develops charging station management systems.
Monday, 6 December 2021, 19:11

Go To-U is a Ukrainian company, one of the winners of Climate Innovation Vouchers – an initiative led by the EBRD and funded by the European Union to help agents of change to bring their innovative climate technologies to fruition.

The Go To-U concept appeared in Lviv in 2017. The company’s mission is to accelerate transport decarbonisation by making the experience of driving and charging electric vehicles simpler, more convenient and more accessible.

‘Road transport is one of the biggest sources of pollution and the sector represents almost a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. The Go To-U platform aims to help millions of people to unlock the potential of low-carbon mobility’, says one of the company’s owners Lyubov Artemenko.

The founders claim the platform goes beyond just connecting plugs, Go To-U connects drivers to destinations by providing unique booking features for charging stations at the most convenient time and place, with easy payment options.

‘The charging infrastructure has to keep pace both quantitatively and qualitatively. EV drivers’ demand shifts from just finding a place to plug in to finding a charging destination that meets their needs and preferences, allows them to reserve charging time and involves a simple payment method’, explains Lyubov Artemenko.

More and more people are driving electric vehicles in Ukraine. Market growth is reported to be among the highest in Europe, Go To-U goes beyond borders, connecting more than 300,000 electric vehicles charging spots around the world.

Together with the European Union and in cooperation with the non-governmental organization Greencubator, the EBRD supported the company’s app development and helped the firm grow beyond Ukraine.

Now Go To-U operates in 47 countries, employs 22 people, and has an office in the United States of America. Women make up half of the workforce, as the founders firmly believe in the power of women in technology.

Tags: ecology, electric vehicles, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, green company