Energodar residents not allowed to leave the city, – intelligence report
Russian occupiers forbade the residents of Energodar to leave the city and move to the Ukraine-controlled territories. At the same time, they tighten control over the employees of Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. The intelligence report says that local residents of the temporarily occupied Energodar are being forced to vote in a so-called ‘referendum’. Those who […]
Tuesday, 27 September 2022, 13:08

Russian occupiers forbade the residents of Energodar to leave the city and move to the Ukraine-controlled territories. At the same time, they tighten control over the employees of Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant.

The intelligence report says that local residents of the temporarily occupied Energodar are being forced to vote in a so-called ‘referendum’. Those who refuse are threatened with ‘mobilization’.

In addition, the Russian occupiers, who control the situation in Energodar, have prohibited local residents from leaving the city. Special control measures are set for the operational staff of the nuclear plant.

According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence, now the streets of the city and surrounding settlements are practically empty. The local population is in their own homes and tries not to go out without an urgent need.

Military patrols of the Russian Armed Forces are in the streets and put pressure for voting in the so-called ‘referendum’, the intelligence report goes.

Tags: Energodar, occupied territories, Russian invasion, Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant