Hospitals in Crimea do not accept civilian patients
Ukraine’s army General Staff reports that Russian authorities in the occupied Crimea issued an order not to admit civilian patients to the hospitals because of a big number of the wounded Russian military. The occupiers are also intensively collecting donor blood for the wounded. Since the beginning of the full-fledged war, the invaders lost about […]
Sunday, 29 May 2022, 09:34

Ukraine’s army General Staff reports that Russian authorities in the occupied Crimea issued an order not to admit civilian patients to the hospitals because of a big number of the wounded Russian military.

The occupiers are also intensively collecting donor blood for the wounded.

Since the beginning of the full-fledged war, the invaders lost about 30,000 troops with dozens of thousands wounded.

The report also states that Russians have brought to the frontline old Soviet tanks and armored vehicles produced back in the 1960s.

Tags: occupied Crimea, Russian invasion, war against Ukraine