Kyiv armament plant hands over 500 machine guns to Ukrainian army
Kuznya na Rybalskomy armament company has handed over 500 PKM machine guns earlier designated for exports to six Ukrainian army brigades fighting against Russia’s aggression.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 14:19

‘We have people who are ready to fight and we have arms. It is our land and we will not give it to anyone. We will win,’ said Maksym Kodan of Ukraine’s Armed Forces at the official handover ceremony of the arms.

Former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko who was present at the ceremony said a PKM machine gun made by Kuznya na Rubalskomu has become the ‘main’ machine gun for Ukraine’s Armed Forces with each brigade now having to operate at least 70-80 of them.

Petro Poroshenko thanked Kuznya na Rybalskomu for carrying on with their production that helps the Ukrainian military arguing that all Ukrainians at plants and frontlines must close the ranks to defend their native land.

Tags: Kuznya na Rybalskomu, Russian invasion, war against Ukraine