Kyiv university to offer Tik Tok degree
Kyiv Culture and Arts University breaks a new ground by establishing a TikTok department, says its rector and founder Mykhalo Poplavsky.
Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 12:14

The Kyiv university rector known for his eccentricities announced launch of a TikTok department at a presentation Tuesday.

Hailing the social platform as a ‘cultural phenomenon’, Mykhailo Poplavsky said his goal is to ‘ukrainianize’ TikTok and ‘lead creative, ambitious and promising young people’.

‘We have started  teaching from scratch, and after graduation, you can get a diploma. The University of Culture is a brand that conquers the world information space’, said Poplavsky at the presentation, addressing the crowd of youths.


The univesity rector though failed to specify what degrees a newly-established department will offer.

Lilia Mozhayeva, the university allumna and its cultural and creative department executive, is set to help get the project off the ground.

Tags: eccentricity, Kyiv Culture and Arts University, Mykhailo Poplavsky, TikTok