Moldova’s parliament launches probe on Mykola Chaus kidnapping
The Moldova’s parliament establishes a special commission to investigate the abduction of Ukrainian jugde Mykola Chaus, the local TV station reports.
Friday, 9 April 2021, 12:39

April 9,  2021, 12:39

A probe into Chaus chase won support from the majority of Moldova’s MPs, informed the local ‘TV8’ television station. The established commission is tasked with investigation of the kidnapping and assessment of local law-enforcement agencies’ response, which will help Moldova’s to gain leverage to address such issues. According to ‘INDEX’  Telegram channel, the commission of nine  MPs and headed by Dignity and Truth Platform’ Vasyl-Andrei Nastase is expected to provide its report next month .

At the parliamentiary session on Chaus case,  MPs proposed to hear testimonials from heads of Internal Ministry, State security service, and Bodrer Police agency while Pro-Moldova leader Andrian Kandu called for resignation of  Information and Security Service  (SIS) Head.

RISE Moldova and Slidstvo.Info journalists claim that Moldova’s police has evidence on the group of Ukrainian nationals with alleged close ties to intelligence and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. The journalistic investigation obtained identification documents’ copies of the alleged kidnappers.

Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov claimed that Mykola Chaus was abducted in Moldova by the operatives of  Ukraine’s Chief Intelligence Directorate. Mykola Chaus was expecting a Moldova’s Supreme Court hearing on his political asylum appeal due on April 22. Given the close ties between the two countries, Moldova would probably have said no to his appeal. Yet the Ukrainian intelligence, according to Butusov, failed to notify Moldova’s counterparts of the operation in making.

The journalist said that the rushed kidnapping could be a part of a bigger plot aiming to hold Vasyl Burba, the former Chief Intelligence, accountable for involment with Chaus escape to Moldova. It can also help Zelensky office set off the possible damage of the Vasyl Burba’s revelations in the upcoming Bellingcat investigation on the failed Wagner mercineries capture operation.

‘Bukvy’ had their own investigation on Chaus kidnapping that looked into to the possible projections  of the scandal and brought to light the alleged President’s Office Deputy head role  in the story.

Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba held a telephone call with his Moldova’s counterpart on Mykola Chaus kidnapping. The Ukrainian diplomat claimed that Ukraine was not involved in the act.

Tags: Bellingcat, kidnapping, Moldova, Mykola Chaus