Occupation forces claim Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant is now ‘owned’ by Russia
Petro Kotin of Ukraine’s energy agency Energoatom said Russian occupation forces gathered Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant personnel to announce the plan is now ‘owned’ by Russia. The Russians who arrived at the nuclear facility site refused to give their names and identified themselves as representatives of ‘military and civilian administration’. The personnel of Zaporizhzhya nuclear […]
Saturday, 12 March 2022, 09:31

Petro Kotin of Ukraine’s energy agency Energoatom said Russian occupation forces gathered Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant personnel to announce the plan is now ‘owned’ by Russia.

The Russians who arrived at the nuclear facility site refused to give their names and identified themselves as representatives of ‘military and civilian administration’.

The personnel of Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant were told that the facility is not Ukrainian anymore and will be made to work in compliance with Russia’s nuclear operator Rosatom policies.

According to Energoatom sources, Oleh Romanenko and Ivan Malakhov, engineers from Balakovskya and Rostov nuclear power plants, respectively are among the 11 Russian specialists who have been brought to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant by occupation officials the same day to take over operational control of the facility.

Tags: nuclear power plant, Russian invasion, Zaporizhzhya