Oleksiy Arestovych quits his role as spokesperson at Minsk talks on Donbas
Oleksiy Arestovych has resigned as the spokesperson of the Ukrainian delegation in the Trilateral Contact Group and adviser to the head of the President’s office Andriy Yermak.
Monday, 17 January 2022, 22:15

In a statement on social media,  spokesperson for Ukrainian delegation at Minsk  Trilateral Contact Group  (TCG) Aleskiy Arestovych said , he will no longer be involved in talks on Donbas. Arestovych argues his resignation was prompted by ‘personal issues ’ ,but  failed to specify them.

‘Just see what we are now. Bureaucracy, certificates, protocols. One couldn’t hit oneself harder on own balls. We were supposed to be cheerful, driving guys who will take revenge on the oligarchs for the people, will reform the country and will prepare the conditions for the next leap. And where is all this?’ Arestovych claims.

Arestovych was appointed an official spokesperson of the Ukrainian Delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas on October 28, 2020, and three days later, he became an adviser to Andriy Yermak.


Arestovych is known for his controversial statements.

In July 2021, he claimed ‘Ukraine will turn East if West puts pressure’ and  drew the backlash over his slightly veiled threats to journalist Yuriy Butusov over the spat with Zelensky.

Tags: Oleskiy Arestovych, President's office, Trilateral Contact Group, Volodymyr Zelensky