Oleskandr Gogiashvili civil group was linked to pro-Russia ‘Oplot’ activists
Back in 2013, Oleksandr Gogiashvili-affiliated group teamed up with Kharkiv's 'Oplot' fight club for a 'sobriety campaign'.
Monday, 13 December 2021, 18:08



Revelations about  scandal-plagued interior deputy minister keep coming.

‘Bukvy’ recovered a video that shows that, before Maydan events in Kyiv,  ‘Tsentr zdorovoi molodi’ civil group led by Oleksandr Gogiashvi enjoyed close ties with Kharkiv’s fight club ‘Oplot’ known for radical pro-Russian stance.

In the 2013 video posted on Youtube channel of obscure ‘International Anti-substances Association’,  Olesksandr Gogiashvili is seen sitting alongside ‘Oplot’ leaders at the press conference where they announced their teaming up for a ‘sobriety campaign’.

‘We have teamed up to win. Teamed up in our fight for sobriety, sober future, for sober youths’, said Gogiashvili at the event.

The Youtube channel, now inactive, also features also video of Volodymyr Zelensky endorsing the programs of ‘International Anti-substances Association’.

It is worth noting that Oleskandr Gogiashvili exited the Ukrainian goverement on Monday facing intense public backlash over the videos showing him threatening and profanely berating traffic cops.

Tags: Oleksandr Gogiashvili, Oplot