Opposition Platform for Life MPs offer to add ‘non-block status’ of Ukraine to its constitution
Russia-leaning ‘Opposition Platform for Life’ MPs push for a Constitution re-write to bring in a 'non-block' status of Ukraine.
Wednesday, 26 January 2022, 18:54

To throw a wrench in Ukraine’s plan of becoming a NATO member, opposition MPs known for their pro-Russian stance have offered to add to the Constitution a norm declaring the country’s ‘non-block’ status.

Nestor Shufrich and Yuriy Zagorodnyi penned a draft law #6553 On bringing changes to Ukrainian laws on Ukraine’s non-block status.

According to the proposed updates, Ukraine will declare it has ‘open foreign police and seeks equal and fair cooperation with all interested parties’ on the grounds of security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity concerns, avoiding reliance on other states, groups of states, or international structures’.

The draft law prospects look rather dim as currently the party holds only 44 seats in the  Verkhovna Rada.

Tags: NATO, non-block status, Opposition Platform for Life