Orthodox priest sentenced to 12 years for collaboration
The Security Service of Ukraine reports that they have exposed two Moscow patriarchy Orthodox priests in Luhansk region who collaborated with Russian occupiers. One of the priests gathered information regarding stationing of the Ukrainian forces in Lysychansk and Severodonetsk. The SBU gathered irrefutable evidence of his involvement in collaboration and sent the case to the […]
Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 14:48

The Security Service of Ukraine reports that they have exposed two Moscow patriarchy Orthodox priests in Luhansk region who collaborated with Russian occupiers.

One of the priests gathered information regarding stationing of the Ukrainian forces in Lysychansk and Severodonetsk.

The SBU gathered irrefutable evidence of his involvement in collaboration and sent the case to the court, the verdict of which was 12 years of imprisonment.

Another priest betrayed Ukrainian activists and former servicemen to the occupiers. The priest in now hiding in the occupied territories. The SBU is investigating his case under high treason article of the Criminal Code.

Tags: collaborators, high treason, Russian Orthodox church, SBU