Pavlo Sheremet’s murder: court prolongs Antonenko’s preventive detention
Shevchenko district court of Kyiv prolonged the preventive detention of Andriy Antonenko suspected of Pavlo Sheremet’s murder.
Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 23:31

The ruling came from the presiding judge Oksana Holub after the prosecutor requested the judge for a 60-day extension of Antonenko’s detention.

Oksana Holub informed, ‘the court held: to accede to the prosecutor’s request and prolong Antonenko’s detention in the form of 24/7 home confinement.’

The court dismissed the defence lawyer’s request to reconsider the preventive detention of Yulia Kuzmenko.

The next trial session is to be held on June 29, 2021.

Pavlo Sheremet’s murder case: backstory

The journalist Pavlo Sheremet was assassinated in July 2016.

In early December 2019, the charges were brought against a nurse Yana Dugar, a surgeon and army volunteer Yulia Kuzmenko, and a musician and military volunteer Andriy Antonenko. Since then Yulia Kuzmenko and Andriy Antonenko have been remanded in custody.

Investigation claimed that Antonenko was ‘carried away by ultranationalist ideas and cultivating the superiority of Aryan race’ and organized a group to plot a murder of Pavlo Sheremet.

Later, the investigators dropped allegations of  ‘ultranationalist ideas’ and ‘the superiority of Aryan race’. The alleged crime organizers are now considered to be ‘unidentified individuals’ making Antonenko, Kuzmenko, and Dugar  qualified as the perpetrators of the crime.

Trial sessions on this case are still held.