Polish border control nabbed 500 Ukrainians with fake COVID certificates
Since the beginning of 2021, Polish border control has detected 554 forged Ukrainian COVID certificates.
Thursday, 28 October 2021, 21:45

Polish border control said Thursday they have caught 554  Ukrainians in 2021,  trying to enter the country with fake Covid certificates.

The alarming figures show  most of the cases -352 –  were exposed at Rava-Ruska-Grebenne  border control  point (352 cases) as the rest of entry points stand at lower two-digit numbers – Dolhobychuv-Ugriv (76 cases), Zosyn-Ustyluh (74 cases) and Yagodyn-Dorogusk (52 cases)

Under Polish law, a person using forged documents carries a punishment of a fine, up to 5 years in prison.

The iviiolators were deported back to Ukraine, where they face a fine of up to UAH 850 ofor up to two years.


Earlier, Ukrainian government said it would toughen criminal liability for forged COVID certificates.

Tags: Covid, fake Covid certificates, pandemic, Poland