Poroshenko lawyers call out state prosecutors over handling of his case, cite violations
In a briefing held Friday, Porohsenko's lawyers look back at Kyiv court ruling that helped the former president escape detention in the criminal court case over controversial coal contracts in occupied Donbas back in 2014-2015.
Friday, 21 January 2022, 14:49

Ihor Golovan called into question professional integrity of prosecutors in their handling of Poroshenko’s case.

The case was fabricated by ‘loyal guards’ of Zelensky officials like Tatarov, argued Golovan, who are not ‘bothered’ about breaking the law and fabricating cases against political opponents of Zelensky government.

Golovan also called out State Bureau of Investigations over violations in criminal laws citing the way Poroshenko was served with a summons with the notice coming his way indirectly, through a state prosecutor Serhiy Gadaychuk known for his role in persecution of Maydan activists.

Another Poroshenko’s lawyer Illya Novikov drew attention to the questionable wording of Poroshenko’s indictment that mentions so-called ‘L/DNR’, self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Not directly, such wording legalizes the entities with no clear status and by doing so state prosecutors play into hands of Russia’s propaganda planting narratives of ‘autonomous Donbas states’.

Novikov, in stark terms, suggested it gives a pass to latest calls by Russian lawmakers it is time Donbas be made part of Russia, and it comes as ‘another step to annexation’.

‘No state structure, including the DBR and Prosecutor General office, has the right to use such expressions, because it is a de facto legalization. Because from the legal point of view, ‘LNR’ and ‘DNR’ do not exist as subjects of law. There are only temporarily occupied territories’, said Novikov.

Poroshenko’s legal team confirmed they were going to file an appeal on Kyiv Pechersky court decision that stripped the former president of his international passport.

Tags: court trial, criminal case, occupied Donbas, Petro Poroshenko