Pro-Russian firings in Donbas leave another Ukrainian soldier wounded , JFO statement
Ukrainian JFO reported 5 cease-file violations in just one day.
Tuesday, 8 February 2022, 11:29

Pro-Russian forces 5 times opened fire on Ukrainian positions in JFO zone violating  the cease-fire agreement and leaving one Ukrainian serviceman wounded, said JFO in a statement on Tuesday.

According to JFO report, Ukrainian armed forces came under fire near Pisky, Pivdenne,Vodyane, and Nevelske.

The injured soldier was taken to a hospital and is now in ‘satisfactory’ condition.  Monday was also marked by provocative firings from pro-Russian forces with yet another wounded serviceman ending up in hospital.

As of Tuesday morning, Ukrainian armed forces have reported no new firings.

The biggest issue is provocations from Donbas separatists who want to bait Ukrainians into retaliation  so they could report cease-fire violations to international observers.




Tags: ceasefire violations, Donbas, JFO