Remnants of Russian missile hit apartment building in Kyiv region: ‘Bukvy’ photo report
On Friday night, Russian invaders launched another massive missile attack targeting peaceful Ukrainian cities. 11 Russian missiles and 2 drones were destroyed by the Ukrainian air defense in Kyiv region. The remnants of one of the missiles hit a 10-story apartment building in the town of Ukrainka, Kyiv region. A 13-year-old child is reported wounded […]
Friday, 28 April 2023, 12:21

On Friday night, Russian invaders launched another massive missile attack targeting peaceful Ukrainian cities.

11 Russian missiles and 2 drones were destroyed by the Ukrainian air defense in Kyiv region.

The remnants of one of the missiles hit a 10-story apartment building in the town of Ukrainka, Kyiv region.

A 13-year-old child is reported wounded as the rocket remnants hit an apartment on the 6th floor.

Tags: Kyiv region, missile attack, Russian invasion