Russian forces open fire at evacuation train in Kyiv region
Russian indiscriminate firing now targets evacuation efforts in Western Ukraine. Ukraines’ rail operator said on Thusday its train#43  evacuating civilians from Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk was targeted by Russian firing that left several windows shattered. There was no word on casualties, said the company CEO Oleksander Kamyshyn,  adding the train team responded to the situation in […]
Thursday, 24 March 2022, 23:29

Russian indiscriminate firing now targets evacuation efforts in Western Ukraine.

Ukraines’ rail operator said on Thusday its train#43  evacuating civilians from Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk was targeted by Russian firing that left several windows shattered.

There was no word on casualties, said the company CEO Oleksander Kamyshyn,  adding the train team responded to the situation in a coordinated and calm way.

‘I plead with all the civilized world, help us, close the sky while we are doing our job on the ground,’ added Kamyshyn.


Tags: evacuation, Russian invasion