‘Servant of the People’ and ‘European Solidarity’ taking the lead in polls
The new poll shows a decline in support for Zelensky's 'Servant of the People' and a promise of close race in the next parliamentary elections as two out of three Ukrainians now claiming 'the country is heading in the wrong direction'.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 16:59

The October survey conducted by ‘Rating’ sociological group shows the lead opposition party is closing the gap on the ruling ‘Servant of the People’.

One in six (18%) voters  say they will support Zelensky’s party while ‘European Solidarity’ led by the former president Petro Poroshenko can secure  13,9% share of votes.

Russia-leaning ‘Opposition platform for life’ is on 10,7%  and Yuliya Tymoshenko’s ‘Batkivshchyna’ on 10,1% .

The big mover among smaller parties is Dmytro Razumkov’s ‘Rozumna polityka’,  the newly established party is gaining the ground and now boasts 7,9% support.

The rest of the parties’ ratings are hovering in 2-6% range.

The survey also rated voters confidence over the governmental policies.

In October,  the alarming majority of 68% (plus 9% points compared to September figures) of Ukrainian voters  said Ukraine was ‘heading in the wrong direction’ compared to less than a forth of people ( 23 % , down 8% points) who said Ukraine was ‘heading in the wrong direction’ – the lowest  figure for this indicator since Zelensky’s party won the parliamentary elections in 2019.

The demographics and political preferences  are  still a factor  as the governmental policies secure notably higher figures of support among younger age groups and core Zelensky’s backers with 8% of ‘don’t’s knows’.


Tags: European Solidarity, polls, Servant of the People, Ukrainian parties