Ukraine bans selling medicines to under 14s
The Verkhovna Rada introduces an age-restriction policy on sales of medicines to prevent misuse and drug-related suicides among underage Ukrainians.
Thursday, 15 July 2021, 14:19

The law No.5122  targeting the issue of ‘uncontrolled sales of medicine in Ukraine got a go-ahead from 341  MPs. The age-restriction policy comes in response to growing concern over misuse and abuse of medicine impacting Ukrainian teens.

‘Sometimes pharmacists themselves advice on medication turning a blind eye to buyers purchasing prescription drugs without prescription. It is critical in situations involving an underage person since children fail to fully realize all ther risks of medicines’ misuse’, says the policy in its introductory note.

The regulation updated the law ‘On Medicines’ (art.21) to ban sales of medication, including online sales and delivery of such drugs, to under 14s.

To prevent sales of medicines to under 14s, pharmacists will need to request documents from young clients   for age identification if deemed necessary  – ‘demanding to present either a Ukrainian passport or other ID document identifying the age of a client’.

The policy fully bans sales of medicines without age identification.



Tags: age-restrictions, law, medicine, sales, Verkhovna Rada