Ukraine’ parliament passes law introducing biofuel-blended  petrol
The new law aims to increase use of renewables in road transport operations and comes in line with the EU 'green' directives.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 20:39

The policy No.3356 introducing  renewable ethanol-blended petrol in Ukraine got support from 293 MPs.

The move is on track to meet 2009  EU directive goals targeting wider use of ‘green’ sustainable energy sources.

The Ukrainian government welcomed the law as an ‘important step toward phase-out of oil and oil products’ that is set to ‘develop a competitive market for production and use of bio ethanol and its components in Ukraine’s road transport [system]’.

The new law brings in:

  • a mandatory 5 % blending rate of ethanol for regular petrol starting May 1, 2022 with exemption for premium petrol and petrol allotted for Defense Ministry, State Reserve uses.
  • ethanol-blended petrol control and monitoring policies
  • criminal liability for violations of ethanol-blended petrol production and retail standarts
  • quality requirements for biofuel blended petrols starting July 1, 2022
  • strict technical specifications for ethanol-blended petrols

With the rollout of the new policy, Kyiv aims to reduce Ukraine’s carbon emissions, boost up domestic sustainable energy sector, and create new jobs, bringing new revenues into the country.

Tags: ethanol, petrol, sustainable policies, Ukraine