Ukraine’s government boasts record $ 68.24 billion export
Exports of goods from Ukraine in 2021 reached a record amount of $ 68.24 billion.
Thursday, 6 January 2022, 22:24

This was reported by deputy prime minister Yulia Svyrydenko on her Facebook page.

In 2021, the turnover of all goods in Ukraine amounted to $ 141.5 billion, which is 36.7% more than in 2020. The value of exports in absolute terms increased by $ 19.05 billion.


The previous record exports in Ukraine were stated in 2011 ($ 68.39 billion) and in 2012 ($ 68.81 billion), before the temporary occupation of Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.


Yulia Svyrydenko explains that when Ukrainian producers sell their goods abroad, the state receives foreign currency, which allows financing import costs without destabilizing the currency exchange market and accumulating international reserves to strengthen economic stability.

In addition, exports increase budget and, consequently, opportunities for financing social expenditures and development programs, Svyrydenko says.

Tags: economy, export, record indicators, Ukrainian government