Ukraine’s Government suggests imposing sanctions against 10 legal persons for Russian aggression propaganda
The Cabinet of Ministers approved a proposal to impose sanctions against 10 legal and 6 natural persons for propagating Russia’s aggression narratives.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 17:35

The Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories informed about this decision.

Within three days, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine will consider the issue. It is noted that the sanctions list may include 10 legal and 6 natural persons involved in spreading the production and information content, which are justifying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the TOT and popularizing the narratives of the Russian propaganda disseminated by the occupation administration established by the Russian Federation in the TOT.

The legal persons to be sanctioned are registered in eight countires. The sanctions will be effective for a period of three years.

The sanctions stipulate the following set of restrictions on the sanctioned companies and individuals:

  • ban on the use of property in the territory of Ukraine;
  • prohibition of the resources transit through and flights over the territory of Ukraine;
  • prohibition of the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine.

‘Moreover, the sanctions will provide for the suspension of economic and financial obligations performance, block the provision of telecommunication services and the use of public telecommunication networks, make technology and intellectual property transfer impossible, ban access to the internet resources in the territory of Ukraine’, the Ministry for Reintegration of the TOT specified.

The new set of sanctions is to protect the national interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Tags: NSDC of Ukraine, propaganda, Russia, Russian aggression, sanctions