Ukraine’s health ministry warns of fraudsters
The Ministry of Health warns of fraudsters who ask on the Internet personal data ‘to receive one thousand hryvnas’ promised by government as a vaccination incentive.
Monday, 6 December 2021, 14:34

Ukraine’s Ministry of Health warns of possible online scams aimed at stealing personal data in connection to a new Covid incentive introduced last month.

Fraudsters approach people on social media  offering  ‘to help’ to receive the ‘vaccination thousand’ and pry their credit card information.

The health ministry stresses in the statement Monday they have nothing to do with such messages.

Launched by Volodymyr Zelensky in mid-November, 1000 hryvnas incentive is intended to spur flagging vaccination rates among Ukrainians and provide an influx of money to stimulate economy sectors impacted by the pandemic.

The Ukrainian president specified vaccine recipients will be paid 1000 hryvnas they could spend on books, sports, museums, traveling, and public transport expanses.

Tags: COVID-19 vaccination, fraud scheme, Ministry of Health, vaccination campaign