Ukraine to extand adaptive quarantine till October,  PM Denys Shmygal
Ukrainian PM Denys Shmygal says the country will keep in place its Covid pollicies for next 3 months.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021, 14:29

Ukrainian government announces extension of adaptive quarantine till October 1.

The move keeps in place 4-color restrictions zoning for – red, orange, yellow and green.

All the regions of Ukraine are currently listed as ‘green zones’ with few minimal restrictions. The policy allows:

  • only sitting passengers on public transit
  • 75 % capacity for public gatherings, events, movie theatres
  • 24/7 working hours for cafes and restaurants

In case of higher rates of Covid infections and hospitalization cases the country will be shifted to ‘yellow’ zone that will bring in tighter restrictions

  • mandating masks and 1,5 m. social distancing,
  • 50% capacity for movie theatres and recreational sites,
  • 4 square metre rule for indoors events, and 10 square metres rule for gyms and other recreational amenities.

In case of entering  “red” zone:

  • the hospitality sector (except for takeaway or delivery), entertainment and cultural facilities, shopping malls, outdoor markets, non-essential retail, gyms, fitness centres and swimming pools must close
  • public events are prohibited
  • spectators are barred from sport events

Supermarkets and other grocery stores, pharmacies, veterinary supplies shops, banks and petrol stations can open,  public transport can still operate, and schools will work if they have over 80% of vaccinated teachers

In June, the Ukrainian government eased the restrictions moving all regions to ‘green’ zone but kept in place quarantine policies till the end of summer.



Tags: adaptive quarantine, goverment, Ukraine