Ukraine to launch a website to administer foreign students admissions
Ukraine’ government is set to launch E-Platform, an official website, regulating admissions of foreign students.
Wednesday, 21 April 2021, 15:32

On April 21, the Ukrainian government passed the directive “5-year plan of measures to promote Ukrainian higher educational opportunities for foreign students”.

The policy aims to promote educational opportunities of Ukrainian universities and encourage foreign students to come to study in Ukraine.

The policy will include:

  • Marketing strategy to advance Ukraine’s educational services globally
  • Promotional campaigns targeting young learners abroad
  • Updating educational services of Ukrainian universities
  • Introduction of an official website running foreign students applications and admissions

Educational E-Platform. How it works?

Ukrainian universities, when admitting foreign students, will need to be signed up with the E-Platform that will grant them access to the information on incoming applications. This will make it possible to track approvals of security and border administrations.

Foreign students will be able to apply online and keep track of own university applications and admissions.

Earlier this year, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry started their own website that also promotes educational services of Ukrainian universities.

Tags: education, foreign students, Ukraine, website