Ukrainian designer calls out Elle Russia over scandalous ‘Friendship of Peoples’ photos
Elle Russia provokes a controversy after it features brand clothes of Ukrainian designers for its October issue story called ‘Friendship of Peoples’.
Monday, 4 October 2021, 21:07

The row erupted Monday after  ‘Elle Russia’ editor-in-chief Ekaterina Mukhina posted few photos from the story on her Instagram account. She called ‘Friendship of Peoples’ story  a ‘declaration of love to Ukraine’ that fascinates with ‘its charming girls, talented designers, culture and nature, tranquility of its forests and blue Carpathian mountains’.

The Elle Russia story  drew instant blowback on social media with many Ukrainian online commenters  complaining  the title was insensitive given the context of Ukraine-Russia current relations.

It didn’t take long for some online commenters to  notice the story images also  featured  brand clothes by  Ukrainian designers.

photo by Nazar Chornyi/Elle Russia 

The situation prompted a swift response from Ukrainian designer Svitlana Bevza. In a statement Monday, Bevza said she was unaware  Elle Russia used her brand clothes for a photography shoot calling it ‘unpleasant surprise’.

‘We approached editors of the Russian edition demanding our brand [clothes] be removed from the provocative publication’.

photo by Nazar Chornyi/Elle Russia 


Tags: Elle Russia, scandal, Ukrainian designers