Doctor in Western Ukraine exposed in massive fake COVID-19 vaccination scheme
A doctor in Zakarpattia region is facing forgery and fraud charges after she was caught red-handed selling fake Covid cards.
Thursday, 3 February 2022, 09:50

Ukraine’s state security agency (the SBU) said on Wednesday it  exposed a doctor in Zakarpattia region who was allegedly selling fake COVID-19 certificates making half million hryvnas  (some $17 thousand) in just one month.

The infectious disease specialist at a local public health center recruited a friend who looked for ‘clients’ eager to cut corners with inoculation.

The doctor reportedly forged almost 100 vaccination documents over the last month charging people 3,500 hryvnas for a certificate.

She also entered false vaccination data into the eHealth system and issued paper COVID vaccination documents.

The investigition is ongoing while the disgraced doctor can face up to 3 years in prison. Ukraine’s vaccinaton effort is plagued by numeous cases of Covid cards’ forgeries forcing the Verkhovna Rada to bring in tougher penalties for such offences in November,2021. 

Tags: COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccination, fake certificates, Ukrainian security