Ukrainian man ‘buys’ two kids to claim draft examption and escape to Poland
In an attempt to get about Ukraine’s martial law banning conscription-aged men from leaving the country, a Ukrainian man tried to cross the border with Poland by producing the fake exemption papers claiming he has three kids. Ukraine’s state border control officials said they had detained the man on Friday after they found the birth […]
Friday, 26 August 2022, 17:06

In an attempt to get about Ukraine’s martial law banning conscription-aged men from leaving the country, a Ukrainian man tried to cross the border with Poland by producing the fake exemption papers claiming he has three kids.

Ukraine’s state border control officials said they had detained the man on Friday after they found the birth certificates of his alleged two kids were forged.

Caught red-handed, the man confessed he had bought the fake documents for 120 thousand hryvnas through the Telegram channel.

It is worth noting that the martial law has some exemptions, and being a father of three and more kids allows you to avoid the draft.

The man was detained and handed over to police – he can face forgery charges that can see him landing in prison for up to 5 years.

Tags: draft, martial law