Ukrainian MPs propose to amend controversial policy of military conscription for women
Following intense public outrcy, lawmakers seek to amend making military conscription 'voluntary' for Ukrainian women.
Thursday, 30 December 2021, 12:47

Ukrainian lawmakers seek  to amend the controversial policy that required women in broad range of professions to be registered with the armed forces.

According to proposed amendments,  such registration should be made voluntary and cover professions into health care and its closely-related sectors.

The authors behind the initiative argue the latest revision would stumble due to ‘lack of staff at military territorial centers’ who will eventually face the backlog of catalogue work and a ‘negative response from the public’.

To avoid such scenario, the MPs are proposing to allow voluntary military conscription to women who are eligible for it  and are working in professions related to medical care industry.

The controversial policy got withering criticism last week after it became clear Defense Ministry dramatically expanded the list of professions which required of women to register with the armed forces. The move was deemed sensible given looming threat of Russia’s invasion and need for military reserves, yet it suffered a bad press making officials backpedal on the earlier adopted plan.


Tags: law, military conscription, Ukraine, women