White House gives a readout of Biden-Zelensky call
Amid fears of military escalation in Donbas, the US president called Volodymyr Zelensky two days after he spoke two hours with Vladimir Putin.
Friday, 10 December 2021, 11:56

The White House states the call with President Zelensky was very warm and lasted around 90 minute with the main purpose to inform Zelensky about Biden’s conversation with Putin.

‘President Biden made very clear a continued U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity… He had told Putin, that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the U.S. and our European allies would respond with strong economic measures, provide additional defensive materiel to Ukraine, and fortify our NATO Allies on the eastern flank with additional capabilities’, the report goes.

The US president doubled down on  his support for the Normandy Format and ongoing efforts of de-escalation and diplomacy.

‘I know there’s been lots of churn in the press about whether or not there were concessions.  There very clearly were not.  I think President Biden has made very clear that he stood by our principles.  He made very clear that one nation can’t force another nation to change its border, one nation cannot tell another to change its politics, and nations can’t tell others who they can work with. And so, President Biden underscored those points that he made to Putin and made very clear to President Zelenskyy that that was a key message of his call with him’, the senior administration official said.President Biden made very clear that there is the other path separate from the military path – the path of de-escalation and diplomacy.

The report concludes Biden ‘made clear his support for continued consultations and conversations at NATO about ongoing efforts to refine our defense and deterrence posture’.

Earlier, president Zelensky briefly commented on the call in his Thursday tweet.

‘Finished my 1.5 hours’ talk with @POTUS. The US president informed me about his talks with Volodymyr Putin. [We] also discussed possible formats of resolution of the conflict in Donbas. Touched on ongoing domestic reforms in Ukraine’

Tags: Biden-Zelensky call, international talks, Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky