Ukrainian officials have documented multiple cases where Russian troops raped minors in towns they occupied, said human rights ombudsperson Lyudmyla Denasova, in a statement on Facebook.

Two confirmed stories of wartime rape come from Bucha where, according to reports, a boy as young as 11 years old was raped in front of his mother while she was tied to a chair and made to watch the horrific scene.

Another violent sexual attack left a 14-year-old girl from Bucha impregnated after she was gang-raped by five Russian troops.

The similar case was reported in nearby Irpin, where three Russian soldiers gang-raped a 20-year-old woman.

Ukraine’s ombudsperson promised the perpetrators will be held to account:

‘There is no place on earth or in hell where Russian criminals can hide from retribution!’

Denysova added that these crimes are outlawed by the Geneva Convention and must be addressed by the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations and OSCE member countries.