According to the results of an opinion poll by the ‘Rating’ group, 95% of respondents are confident that Ukraine will be able to repel the Russian invaders.

As in previous months, about 60% said it will take a long time to win a full-scale war. 25% believe that more than a year is needed for this, 37% – half a year or a year.

At the same time, almost 20% estimate the time necessary for victory to be several months. About 20% cannot give an answer. There is an increase in the number of those who estimate that victory will take more than a year.

71% of the respondents believe that things in Ukraine are moving in the right direction, 13% have the opposite opinion, and another 16% could not tell.

In all regions and among all age groups, the assessment of the situation development as correct continues to dominate.

The poll involved 1000 respondents from all regions of Ukraine except occupied territories. The sample is representative in terms of age, gender and type of settlement.