In our previous investigation, we talked about Vyacheslav Guz, the head of the Central Interregional Department of the State Migration Service in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast.

We would not have returned to this topic if it were not for the activity of Mr. Vyacheslav. Unofficial letters, panic posts on the official pages of the agencies. But first things first.

Vyacheslav Guz showed his unwillingness to engage in dialogue last time. Instead of answers to the questions, we received “lawyer’s requests” with demands. Senseless demands.

To hand over flash drives and materials at the disposal of the editorial office.

We would like to remind you that according to the law, we are not supposed to do this. Mr. Guz’s letters, which he calls “lawyer’s requests,” were sent again. And we began to investigate: what was the reason for this official’s activity?

Legally, the “requests” are not properly executed.  The legal aid agreement and a copy of the lawyer’s certificate were not provided. Also, the copy of the certificate of the right to practice law, which was attached to the lawyer’s request, was not properly certified. We asked to provide the listed documents certified by a lawyer’s seal. We did not receive a response. However, it is possible that Vyacheslav Guz’s lawyer is busy. After all, Konstantin Klimov has two jobs. According to the lawyer’s declaration, he is a deputy of the Sumy District Council from the “Sluga narodu” party. In the meantime, we ask Sumy deputies not to put pressure on the media, but to do their specialized work.

Let’s get back to Guz. The editorial board of Mezha monitored the media space. And found a video in the telegram channel of former MP Ihor Mosiychuk.

It was posted by an anonymous Telegram user. The voice in the video and the person really look like Viacheslav Guz. Therefore, we sent a request to the head of the Kyiv State Migration Service to confirm or deny the information.

Subsequently, instead of responding to our request, the official website of the State Migration Service in Kyiv and Kyiv region published a post claiming that our preliminary investigation was fake and not a word about the video.

The only one “love” reaction (a heart icon) under the post was left by Inna Gudz. Yes, the same one who is Guz’s civilian wife with Russian citizenship. This once again confirmed their relationship. How many models are subscribed to the official pages of Ukrainian agencies?

The head of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, Natalia Naumenko, posted an identical post on her page.

We hoped for a different reaction, a more adequate one. After all, investigations by journalists are usually followed by internal checks. Therefore, the question is: Ms. Natalia, were you forced to ask this question? And where is the official inspection?

Later, even some Telegram channels with millions of subscribers published posts in defense of Viacheslav Guz. But in exactly 10 minutes, they were deleted. It’s hard to say why, maybe they figured it out.

Since we hadn’t received a response to the video, they again applied to the Central Interregional Department of the State Migration Service in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

The next morning we received a letter from the official mail. We were denied registration of the request.

But our appeal is a journalistic request. What does the electronic document flow have to do with it? Moreover, the appeal itself contains enough information about the video in question. Do they not want to answer? Why not? You can simply answer that this video is fake. Or is it not? We decided to find out for ourselves.

What can we be talking about? What does the registry office have to do with it? Who is Khomyak (“Hamster”)? And who can Guz represent himself in prison?

The gist of the conversation suggests that Vyacheslav Guz is probably making passports for criminals.

Let’s turn the story a bit in a different direction.

February 20, 2019. Kyiv. Caravan restaurant. There is a meeting of representatives of the criminal world, including: Asoyan Nodari and Andrian Rodin, known in the criminal world as Imanali. The brunch was stopped by police officers.

Andrian Rodin was “born in Zverevo, Russia,” so he has the criminal nickname Poluzver (“Half-beast”).  Our colleagues from have already told us about him.

As for the first Asoyan Nodari, he also boasts more than one passport. He has at least three.

And all of them are Ukrainian. He is Yevhen Lembrytskyi, Oleksandr Shavdia and Mykhailo Dimitrius. He is a lover of rare surnames. His status in the criminal world is “thief in law.”

And Vyacheslav Guz spoke of a “thief”. According to Mezha’s insiders, on that day, February 19, Guz was sitting with his friends at the Karavan restaurant. If you can call them that. Asoyan Nodari and Andrian Rodin. All of them are members of the clan of a gang of a well-known Russian criminal authority, nicknamed Grandfather Hasan.

He became known to the general public from one photo.

However, through connections in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this fact of Guz’s presence was concealed. And here the main question is: did someone give Ukrainian documents, in more than one copy, to representatives of the Russian criminal world? And how?

We managed to find out that after the investigation by, “Poluzver” (“Half-beast”) or Imanali, received a new Ukrainian passport under a new name: Kovalenko Andrian Mikhailovich.

We started looking into how this happened. And through court registers, we discovered a scheme of how the Central Interregional Department of the State Migration Service in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast legalized the process of issuing Ukrainian passports to Russians.

So, we found a list of people who are filing lawsuits against the department. It looks like this:

  • citizens of the aggressor country are denied a passport;
  • they go to court;
  • they say they want to hand over their Russian passport, but cannot, because the embassy in Ukraine is closed, and they cannot go to Russia;
  • the court rules against the State migration service. The court recognizes the agency’s actions as unlawful and obliges it to issue the passport.

It would seem that what does the Kyiv office of the State Migration Service have to do with it? All the lawsuits are filed against them. But in order to obtain Ukrainian citizenship, a person needs a reason to do so. In the video, Guz spoke about the registry office. It is through them that the grounds appear. Russian citizens apply for Ukrainian citizenship on the basis of relatives of Ukrainian origin. However, these people cannot be found because they do not exist. They are just in the database, which is entered by the registry offices. And judging by the video, not without a request from the Kyiv State Migration Service.

After a court ruling in favor of the aggressor’s citizen, the Central Department of the State Migration Service has to go to the court of second instance. However, according to Ukrainian law, the appeal period is 30 days.  And the agency deliberately delays the deadline, or improperly draws up an application to the second instance, or fails to pay the court fee. The documents are returned to the State Migration Service, and the deadlines are overdue. And the person has two passports: Russian and Ukrainian.

According to Mezha’s insiders, this service costs $500,000 for criminals and generally toxic people, and $100,000 for those who simply do not want to hand over their Russian passports. The names of the people we found in the lawsuits are described in the diagram.

Pshenychna Olesya Viktorivna

Before the full-scale invasion, she worked as a fitness trainer for children in Moscow. It is unknown why this lady needed a Ukrainian passport.

Artemov Alexander Musolimovich

Oleksandr’s real name is Hasanov Salih. He is also a member of his grandfather Hasan’s criminal clan. A person with a criminal past is helped to change his surname and name without even checking it in a Google search.

This is not to mention the opportunities available to the migration service. And then the agency does not go to the court of second instance, but allows you to win the case and get a passport of a citizen of Ukraine with different data. The fact that this person is a criminal is confirmed by the sanctions imposed on him by the President of Ukraine. Therefore, this order is illegal. And Artemov is not on the sanctions list, only Hasanov. The migration service helped to hide this. Let me repeat. The head of the Kyiv Migration Service helps criminals create new names and surnames and obtain Ukrainian citizenship. It seemed that this was only possible in the movies. That is, Mr. Guz legalized bandits in Ukraine. With the old documents, they were subject to sanctions. But with the new ones in their hands, they didn’t have to worry about anything.

Naum Yakubovich Koen

Businessman, founder of the international holding NY Koen Group, an organization of companies from various industries. He is also a lover of luxury, as you can see from the photo.  One of the company’s well-known projects was the construction of the world’s only amber mosque, which was presented in April 2017 at the Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, UAE. In January 2018, Cohen’s neighbors complained that he was keeping a lion on his land in the village of Kozyn near Kyiv.

Anna Volodimirovna Yevseyeva

A Crimean woman. She collaborated with the Russian occupiers. Member of the occupation election commission with a casting vote. Included in the Myrotvorets database.

Yashyn Oleksandr Yuriiovych

Citizen Yashin (also known as Shchiptsov), a member of the criminal drug syndicate Khimprom, came to Ukraine from Russia and was wanted by the Russian Interior Ministry and Interpol. But by a strange coincidence, he disappeared from the Interpol database. Why? The Russian Interior Ministry filed him, but the Russian FSB removed him. According to insiders, Vyacheslav Guz helped him change his name and issued him a Ukrainian passport. Sources of “Border” say that citizen Yashin developed his drug network around the world, sitting somewhere in a Kyiv restaurant, with Ukrainian documents in his pocket.

Nikonova Alevtina Ihorivna

The name is very familiar. Yes, this is the daughter of the same Igor Nikonov, an entrepreneur and advisor to the mayor of Kyiv. The founder of one of the largest construction companies, KAN Development. She is also the wife of the head of the same company, Hlib Murovensky. Does this mean that the daughter of the Kyiv developer also has Russian citizenship? Yes. This is also stated in the court case.

It is noteworthy that KAN now wants to build up the Kitaevo Historical Reserve. This is a monument of national importance that has been preserved in the capital. During excavations, Trypillian ceramics are still being found there, the remains of fortifications from the times of Kyivan Rus have been preserved, and archaeologists, not heavy machinery, should work there. In addition, Kitayiv is known for its monastery. That is, it is our history.

So who is Khomyak (“Hamster”)? We found out.

In the video, Guz mentions the name Dima. Therefore, this is probably his deputy, Dmytro Lemesh. The one who was suspected of taking a bribe for legalizing foreigners from high-risk terrorist countries and the aggressor state in Ukraine. Lemesh spent several days in the pre-trial detention center and then paid the bail set by the court in the amount of UAH 2.5 million and was released. Law enforcement officers did not submit the indictment to the court. The case was closed due to the expiration of the pre-trial investigation.

The law enforcement agencies will investigate further. We pass the information to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine.