In Balaklia, Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian law enforcement found a prison with equipped torture rooms, Kharkiv police chief reports.

He said that during the occupation of Balaklia, the Russians set up their headquarters in the building of the police department. In the basement of this headquarters and in the building opposite, the occupiers established a prison and a torture chamber for local residents.

According to the reports, during the occupation, the Russians held at least 40 people in the torture room. People were fed only with porridge twice a day.

The occupiers were looking for pro-Ukrainian activists, war veterans and their relatives. One local was held in the torture room for 46 days because his brother serves in the Ukrainian army.

The reports mentions tortures with the electricity shockers, not giving any further details.

The National Police are going to investigate all cases of Russian war crimes together with independent media and representatives of the international community.