During the investigation, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine received evidence indicating the financial involvement of Russian special services in the creation of torture chambers in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

During the speech at the US Congress, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andrii Kostin said that ‘the policy of torture is part of the Kremlin’s criminal plan’.

Kostin stressed that the investigation discovered relevant financial documents, which prove a direct connection between the torture chambers and the Russian special services.

In the liberated areas of Kherson region, Ukrainian investigators found 20 torture chambers and received testimonies from more than 1,000 civilians who suffered torture during Russian occupation.

Russian occupiers subjected them to various forms of ill-treatment, including beating with sticks, electric shocks, water torture, stripping, threats of death or mutilation, etc. In addition, they were forced to shout pro-Russian slogans and listen to the Russian national anthem. At night, they heard the screams of other people who were being beaten.

Ukrainian law enforcement registered the death of 908 civilians in Kherson region and launched more than 13 thousand criminal cases regarding Russian war crimes.