Тревел-эксперты рассказали, какие места стоит выбирать для экстремального отдыха в 2016 г.

Специалисты обозначили 10 удивительных уголков планеты, которые в 2016 г. станут самыми актуальными для экстремального вида отдыха, информирует CNN.

По мнению экспертов, выбранные места больше всего подходят для любителей горного туризма, а также для тех, кто любит уединенные места, далекие от цивилизации.

Первое место в рейтинге, обнародованном CNN, занимает Канада. Эта страна, в отличие от многих других, обладает не только красивой природой, но еще и хорошо развитым горным туризмом.

Помимо Канады отмечены специалистами также Антарктида, Африка, Куба, Галапагосские острова, королевство Бутан и Архипелаг Шпицберген, расположенный на самом севере Норвегии.

It doesn't get much more less-traveled than British Columbia's Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region. Yoho Adventures' Coast Mountain Getaway Adventure includes alpine hiking, way-out-there cabins, grizzly viewing and all the solitude you want.

BC's Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region is less than two air hours from Vancouver, but it still takes something special to get to the best of it. "We bring people to places they can't get to on their own," says Yoho Adventures co-founder Christina Simpkins.

To commemorate Ernest Shackleton's death-defying trip to save his stranded men, Wilderness Travel is offering a cruise that includes stops in Antarctica and South Georgia Island. Famed climber Conrad Anker and photographer Frans Lanting will join the journey.

The vast majority of visitors only see the Galapagos Islands in short forays from their cruise ships or day boats. That's why the land-based vantage point on this Classic Journeys trip is special. Visitors see more of the nature that inspired Charles Darwin.

Classic Journeys' Galapagos Island Tour includes expeditions with expert naturalists as well as trekking, kayaking and snorkeling.

The mountain kingdom of Bhutan is home to some of the most stunning peaks and gorges found on Earth. Abercrombie & Kent's Heart of the Himalayas tour includes a visit to the stunning Tiger's Nest Monastery.

In glacier-filled Svalbard, some 3,500 bears outnumber the year-round residents. Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions offers several spectacular wildlife viewing tours.

Namibia is the African nation with the most success at consistently increasing its wildlife population. Wilderness Travel is offering a 10-day adventure tour in June that takes in some of the country's highlights.

Namibia has become a showpiece for environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism in Africa, with a full 40% of the country's land under protection and local bushmen tribes hired to help protect the wildlife.

Tour company Black Tomato's 2016 Cuba journeys move beyond Havana for trips down the island's southeast coast. Hikes and cycling trips run through the Sierra Maestra Mountains.